Datacoin Key Features:

Data Transactions use cases

  • Permanent personal storage in the blockchain – you can encrypt and save personal info, wallets, keys, and be sure that no one deletes your info – by accident, or because you forgot to pay for the storage, etc
  • Self-hosted web applications that cannot be blocked by provider or go down because of DDOS
  • Storing information that cannot be deleted by government security services or large corporations
  • Eternal ‘file hosting services’ without any limits for downloads
  • Scientists can store proofs of discoveries here – it can help while trying to get patents, it can serve as proof of priority right

There are many other use cases for Datacoin that can be developed. Just now you can store data and build applications on top-level of Datacoin protocol, and together with Namecoin the cryptocurrency community can build independent and free “CoInternet” (merged from words ‘coin’ and ‘Internet’).


Join Datacoin today, and you’ll see that we can make history together!



Datacoin build instructions

Learn more about Storage feature and technical details

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